Friday, March 13, 2009

About blog and me


My name is Irene, I live in Kiev, Ukraine. This is a big country (48 million population) in the centre of Europe. Do you know that the centre of Europe is located in Ukraine? Surprised? Also Ukraine was a part of former USSR and passed through very difficult times.

A lot of foreigners visit Ukraine and some of them live here for years because of their business or ministry. Sometimes they face a lot of problems. Another language, unknown traditions, laws and rules...

This blog will help you to survive, live and have fun in Ukraine. No politics, no long stories, only useful information about everyday life in Ukraine. Comments are welcome! Please write what would you like to know or tell your stories about living in Ukraine.

Let's start! And sorry for my English, I'm Ukrainian :).

1 comment:

  1. I can recommend a new book about one American's experiences living in is called, "The Lighter Side of a Serious Mission," written by Kenyon Powers. There are many hysterical situations included in this book, written from the perspective of a foreigner. It certainly is never boring living here in Ukraine!
