Thursday, May 21, 2009

Free Wi-Fi at McDonald's In Ukraine

Good news, huh? Since Hungary, the Czech Republic and other further east European countries have had wi-fi in fast food places for years (KFC in Czech Republic, Mickey D's in Hungary, etc.) it's about time Ukraine kept up with the "Jonesovitchi" and got it themselves.

McDonalds, always the fast food leader in Ukraine (be that good or bad, make your own call), is again leading with free wi-fi confirmed in almost all McDonalds in Ukraine, for example in Kyiv: Kreshatik (adjoining the Kreshatik Metro station) and Maidan (at the back of Independence Square, heading towards St. Michael's Church and Andrivksy Spusk - common tourist locations).

Zaporizha is said to have free wi-fi in McDonald's there, too. But hey, Mickey D's is everywhere, so if you're near one, just look for the WiFi sticker on the door (if they've got it, be sure the sticker will be there).

A tip: unfortunately, the staff is not always as cyber-savvy as the marketing folk that pushed for the wi-fi, so be patient. Some don't know they even have wi-fi, or what it is. :) If there is a signal, but you can't get on line, don't be afraid to kindly ask the managers to simply unplug and replug the modem. They will resist at first, but both times they did it, and voila! I was online. They were happy, I was happy. All was well.

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